Sunday, December 11, 2011

Reason #6

Because no matter how hard you try, it won't grow in your 1st grade garden.... or any garden for that matter.

When I was in 1st grade, our class would take mini field-trips to the school garden.  We learned all about plants, what it took to make them grow, and even had the opportunity to plant some real vegetables ourselves.  Most importantly, we discovered where food really came from.  We bridged the gap in the food chain that continues to grow today where factories make the majority of our processed "food".  We grew our own produce including tomatoes and lettuce.  As a first grader, it was one of the coolest things we got to do and here's why.

1.) It was a FANTASTIC excuse to forgo addition and head outside to get filthy and play with worms.
2.) We learned what could happen if we worked together with nature to see what a seed can really turn into.

This new policy is an injustice to my first grade experience.  The innocence this policy ruins is heartbreaking.  It was so exciting to see how the elements of nature came together to produce something so bright and joyous and nurturing.  Our smiles beamed when we knew that together the sun, dirt and our care for the plants were what caused them to grow.

Pizza does not grow in a garden, and it is neither plant nor vegetable.  

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